What is the financial situation of Polish gamers?
Polish gamers have been asked to assess their financial situation by choosing one of the six available answers. While comparing the Polish Gamers Research 2020 with the third edition of the household mood study of the Polish Development Fund and the Polish Economic Institute , it should be noted that more gamers (84%) than Poles in general (71%) positively assess their financial situation. 47% of the surveyed gamers assessed their financial situation as “rather good” stating that they had enough money for everyday needs, but they could not afford more. 35% of the respondents stated that they had enough money for all expenses and were able to save some up. 2% of the gamers stated that they were wealthy and did not have to save up, even for larger expenses. 12% of the respondents assessed their financial situation as poor and the share of the people who admitted that they “did not have enough money even for the most urgent needs” amounted to 3%. This is a significant shift compared to 2019, when 24% of the Polish gamers assessed their financial situation as poor.

Which of the following best describes your household’s financial situation? Base: Respondents, who play games N=1036