Characteristics of console gamers
Popularity of console models
While analysing the answers to the questions regarding the console models preferred by Polish gamers, it can be observed that PlayStation 4 is still the leader. 46% of the respondents of the present survey answered that they played on that console in the last month. However, when compared with 2019, that result means a decrease of 7 percentage points.
Similarly, as in the previous year, the second place is occupied by relatively obsolete Xbox 360, which was indicated by 29% gamers (decrease by 4 percentage points in comparison to Polish Gamers Research 2019) and its successor, Xbox One is in the third place together with PlayStation 3 with the result of 21%.

Which game console have you played in the past month? Base: Respondents who play games on a game console, N=373
Such answers are surprising because they do not correspond to a low number of logging in to the Microsoft online services by the users of Xbox 360. On the other hand, the most popular auction site in Poland, Allegro, still records significant interest and turnover generated on that model, both with respect to used consoles and used games. It can be assumed that for many parents, in particular those in worse financial situations, Xbox 360 is still the primary choice of the first console for their children.
In 2020, PSP, a mobile PlayStation console, was indicated by 8% of the respondents and Nintendo DS was selected by 6%, while Nintendo Switch by only 5% of Polish gamers.
It should be noted that the percentage share of Nintendo devices among Polish gamers is very low. The share of Nintendo on the Polish market is still a fraction of the participation of Nintendo Switch or Nintendo DS in the global gaming market. Over 137 million items of the above consoles have been sold in aggregate around the world from their release dates, while in the period from April to June 2020, during the lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the sale of Nintendo Switch consoles around the world increased up to nearly 170%.
Popularity of the subscription model
This year, console users have been asked whether they currently use the subscription services. It is not surprising that because of the popularity of PlayStation 4 on the Polish market, the first place is occupied by the PlayStation Plus service (18%). The second and third place belong to two Microsoft services – Game Pass (12%) and Live GOLD (11%). 4% of the gamers indicated Nintendo Switch Online, which is consistent with the marginal position of Nintendo in Poland. 58% of Polish gamers stated that they did not use the subscription services, which leaves the space for the potential growth of their share in our market.

Do you currently use the following subscription services for games? Base: Respondents who play on a computer or console N=582
Popularity of gaming genres
The most popular genres among the console gamers are racing games (48%), adventure games (43%) and action games (43%). Sports games, which are usually played in the multiplayer mode, were indicated by 39% of the respondents. Further on, there are the so-called first-person shooters (FPS) with the result of 32%. The fans of role-playing games (RPG) constituted 30% of the surveyed console users. What is interesting, logic games (24%) were more popular than strategic games (23%) which suggest that consoles are also used by casual players. Economic (9%) and casino (6%) games are the least popular among console players.

What types of games on the game console do you play at least from time to time (at least once in the last month)? Base: Respondents who play games on a game console, N=373
Average time spent playing games
When Polish gamers launch their console games, they usually spend from 30 to 60 minutes on a single session, although in the case of more engaging RPGs, a single session can last as long as over two hours in the case of 28% of the respondents. FPS games are also very engaging, as 16% of the gamers spend from 120 to 180 minutes on a single session. The same time is spent playing by 13% of the respondents when playing adventure games. In the case of an insufficient number of indications of a given category, the results have been excluded from the analysis and marked out in dark. They are presented for review only.

How long does it usually take to play the given game when you play games on the game console? Base: Respondents who play a given type of game
Gaming frequency

How often do you play the following types of games on a game console? Base: Respondents who play a given type of game
Every day playing on a console is not very popular among Polish gamers. They usually play on a console a few times a week or at least once a week, and less than 8% spends some time playing on a console every day. The fans of sports games and shooters are the most willing to play every single day.
Sources of knowledge about new games Console Games

How do you find out about new games on the game console? Base: Respondents who play games on a game console, N=373
Gaming style. Playing alone or with other people
The results of six editions of the Polish Gamers Research confirm that console players most frequently declare their willingness to play with other people, when compared to other platforms. Such results are significantly affected by the FIFA series, as well as racing games such as Need for Speed or Forza. 53% of the respondents mentioned those genres if they intended to play in the multiplayer mode. 27% of the respondents willing to play with other people choose first-person shooters such as Call of Duty, Counter Strike, Battlefield, Overwatch. Strategic games (23%) such as Starcraft 2, are also very popular. War games such as World of Tanks were indicated by 21% of the respondents interested in playing in multiplayer mode. The battle royale genre, popularised by Fortnite, was indicated by 18% of the respondents. MOBA* games represented by DOTA 2 or League of Legends were indicated by only 16% of console gamers.

Chart 1. How do you usually play games on the game console? Base: Respondents who play games on a game console, N=373
Chart 2. What type of games do you sometimes play with other players? Base: Respondents who play games with other players, N=243
*MOBA ((multiplayer online battle arena) – video game constituting a subgenre of real-time strategy games with a limited number of players. The players are often divided into two teams fighting at the arena. The term was created by Riot Games for the release of League of Legends.