General information about our study
The sixth edition of the Polish Gamers Research allows a detailed analysis of the trends connected with the characteristics of Polish gamers. The project was launched in 2014 and it confirms that games have undoubtedly become a widely accepted entertainment form regardless of gender, age or social status. Gamers are not a homogeneous group. They are continuously expanding, which makes it even more important to determine the preferences related to specific categories from a business point of view. The Polish Gamers Research, developed by founders of Polish Gamers Observatory for the last six years in cooperation with Kraków Technology Park, is designated to serve that purpose. This year project was conducted in technical cooperation with the Data Science Practices Publicis Groupe. Polish Gamers Research 2020 was made possible thanks to funding provided by The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
This research contains an analysis of the results of the “Polish Gamers Research 2020” survey, which focused on the profile of Polish gamers, both in terms of basic social and demographic data, as well as their gameplay interests, favourite platforms, interest in e-sports, VR, preferred payment methods, spending levels and the methods of playing games by parents and their gaming children. The current research was conducted in May 2020, during the lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, the research questionnaire was expanded by the questions related to changes in the consumer behaviour of Polish gamers in connection with COVID-19. This year’s research is exceptionally valuable and allows an insight in the changes of the behaviours of Polish gamers in that period in the context of other European Union countries.
The team that developed this year’s survey consisted of (in alphabetical order):
- Michał Bobrowski
- Damian Gałuszka
- Anna Krampus-Sepielak
- Patrycja Rodzińska-Szary
- Maciej Śliwiński
Objective of the study was to provide detailed information about gamers who are Internet users age 15–65 y.o. and play games on one of the following platforms:

Additionally the objective was to present the habits of parents (both players & non players) related to their children playing games as well as changes in the consumer behaviour of Polish gamers in connection with COVID-19
Sample structure was corrected with the analytic weight to fit the structure of population of Internet users aged 15–65 regarding key characteristics corresponding with the objective of research. When calculating the weight, social–demographic variables were taken, i.e. gender, age, level of education, size of locality. Results presented in the report are based on weighted data
The study was conducted between 15th of May 2020 and 31th of May 2020
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview)
Questionnaires collected on Ariadna panel
The main sample of the study was representative of Polish internet users aged 15-65 y.o.: N=1430. It includes representative sample parents of children below 18 y.o. N=594. Each gamer from the main sample was in a maximum of two out of five analyzed platforms. These five analyzed platforms were boosted to get enough respondents:
- games installed on computer N=405 (including N=317 from main sample and N=88 from booster),
- games in web browser N=406 (including N=269 from main sample and N=137 from booster),
- games on video gaming consoles N=373 (including N=269 from main sample and N=104 from booster),
- games on mobile devices N=508 (including N=496 from main sample and N=12 from booster),
- social networking websites gamers N=400 (including N=309 from main sample and N=91 from booster).
Total samplesize for the study (mainsample + booster) was N=1737