Habits of underaged gamers. Game time

Similarly, as in the case of the Polish Gamers Research last year, according to the parents, their children usually spend from 31 to 60 minutes on a single gaming session. The highest share in that group are children using smartphones (38%). 36% of children playing browser games, 31% of those using consoles and 30% of children using personal computers also spend from 31 to 60 minutes on a single session. It should be noted that 19% of children using consoles, 18% of children using personal computers and 12% of children playing on smartphones and tablets spend from 61 minutes to 2 hours on a single session. From 2 to 3 hours are spent on a single gaming session by 3% of children playing on traditional telephones and social networks, 4% of console users and 5% of personal computer users.

Base: Parents of children up to the age of 18 who play games, N=425
How long does your child’s gameplay usually take?